My name is Varya Kozhevnikova; I'm an artist working with photography. In my work, I combine documentary and performative approaches, balancing between fact and fiction, direction and improvisation. I explore the female nature, focusing on physicality, interaction, mental processes, and their consequences, especially perfectionism, obsession and overthinking. 

I take my personal experience as a starting point and compare it with the collective one. That way, the photography's subject becomes an explorer's subject and an opportunity to engage with oneself through the other. The presence of others, my existence in the projects, and the interaction of our experiences are the main methods to create different forms of relations between the artist, the model and the viewer. 

The body is the primary visual language for creating this relationship. After comprehending another person's experience, I develop the conditions for posing for the models and myself. Finally, the artist's and model's poses are either staged or improvised. Another performative aspect of the work lies in the selection and sequencing of images. I often combine photos to achieve the effect of animation or comparison. I also create collages from photographs of one scene to prolong the action and invite the viewer to remain in the episode.  


Hello. Varya Kozhevnikova | Варя Кожевникова

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